General Terms and Conditions of ASIROPA Speditions GmbH
We work exclusively on the basis of the General German Freight Forwarding Conditions (ADSp). In addition, the mandatory CMR rules and regulations are binding; to the limitations of liability. In addition, the laws of the German Commercial Code (HGB) apply.
Transport orders and subsequent changes shall only be deemed to be effective if the changes have been confirmed in writing. The prerequisite for this is that all information relevant to the transport is available to us, in particular information on the type and value of the cargo, possibly the type of the ADR Class, the number of loading and unloading places, etc. Our clients must provide all necessary freight documents and information to us after loading has been completed.
If an order is canceled by the sender (client), the regulation pursuant to § 415 Paragraph 2 HGB (Fautfracht) applies.
Our freight charges are considered "all in": they include costs for the liability of the carrier, liability charges for the lorry, e.g. Ferry and transit charges. Freight charges do not include: particular costs associated with the cargo, e.g. Convoi cost by certain countries due to the value of the cargo (exceeding EUR 299.000,- per Truck), penalties for exceeding the permissible weight (more then 22,5 to.), or faulty freight documents, as well as costs resulting from subsequent instructions. These costs are the responsibility of the customer in any case.
Unless otherwise agreed in the individual case, 70% of the freight costs are payable immediately after loading, the remaining 30% ,as well as any additional charges (see point 4) are due on presentation of the signed CMR. Offsetting is only possible with due, uncontroversial counter-claims. Instructions to collect the freight from the consignee do not release the client from the obligation to pay the freight if the recipient refuses the payment.
Agreed or customary operating times require normal traffic and weather conditions. Acts of nature beyond control (Force Majeure) of any kind, e.g. strike, smog alarm, including official orders regarding the cargo, release ASIROPA Speditions GmbH from the adherence to the running time.
The transport-safe loading is solely the responsibility of the customer. The recipient must carry out the unloading. In the event of damage, any assistance from the drivers does not result in any liability of ASIROPA Speditions GmbH.
Demurrage Fees: 24 hours for loading and 48 hours for unloading including customs clearance are free of charge. Thereafter, a charge of EUR 250.00 per day will apply for considering tarp liners and box trucks (without cooling). Demurrage charges for refrigerated transports, OOG vehicles, and special transports will be provided upon request.
Agreements on deviations from any of the terms and conditions mentioned above need to be in writing in order to be effective.
The agreed court jurisdiction shall be Munich, Germany.